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2023 Call Data Review

The year 2023 has been a year for the Chappell Hill Volunteer Fire Department. For the first time, the Chappell Hill VFD has used firefighters' reporting software to write reports. This software has allowed the department to track the number of calls, types of calls, response times, etc. We have worked hard on this project to inform the public and anyone wanting to know our statistics and call data. We hope you enjoy the information below and should you have any questions please feel free to reach out on our "let's chat" icon and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Total Calls:

  • 141 calls

Call Types & Totals:

  • 29 - Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • 21 - Dispatched, Canceled En Route

  • 20 - Grass Fires

  • 12 - Authorized Controlled Burnings

  • 11 - False Alarms

  • 9 - Structure Fires

  • 9 - Vehicle Fires

  • 5 - Unauthorized Burning

  • 4 - Public Service Assistance

  • 3 - Combustible/Flammable Spill or Leak

  • 2 - Extrication From A Vehicle

  • 2 - Electrical Wiring/Equipment Problem

  • 2 - Water or Steam Leak

  • 2 - Good Intent Calls

  • 1 - Heavy Equipment Fire

  • 1 - Dumpster Fire

  • 1 - Extrication From Building

  • 1 - Refrigeration Leak

  • 1 - Lock-Out

  • 1 - Standby

  • 1 - No incident found

  • 1 - Steam, other gas mistaken for smoke

  • 1 - Suspicious Package

Average Unit Turnout Time:

  • 8 minutes & 5 seconds

Average Total Response Time:

  • 12 minutes & 35 seconds

Busiest Month of the Year:

  • August - 23 Calls

Busiest Time of the Day:

  • 12 PM - 1 PM

Average Time On Scene:

  • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 47 seconds

Total Time Spent On Calls In 2023:

  • 15 days, 13 hours, 35 minutes, 44 seconds

  • This equals about 4.2% of the year spent on fire calls.

Total Time Spent On Community Relations In 2023:

  • 6 days, 5 hours, 21 minutes, 13 seconds

  • This equals about 1.7% of the year spent on community relations.

Top Responders Of The Year

  • Fire Chief Michael Kmiec - 112 Calls

  • Assistant Chief Mathew Kolajajak - 101 Calls

  • Firefighter Matt Martin - 91 Calls

  • Captain Cody Jankowski - 70 Calls

  • Firefighter Gage Kmiec - 64 Calls

We appreciate our entire community for the support they have shown and will continue to show. The year 2024 is a new year with new trials and successes and we hope you will join us in the success! If you are interested in becoming a firefighter and you want to become part of our outstanding team, please go to our "Join our team" page and send in a submission and we will reach out to you. Thank you!

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